Okay so I haven't been faithful to a blog since I was 19 but I'm going to attempt this again. It's just very difficult for me being a lover of notebooks and actual pen to paper writing. Just the action of writing is emotional for me. I have kept a journal since kindergarten and I still have every journal entry I've ever made sitting in old rugged notebooks, tucked away on my bookshelf. I love the fact that they are real and exist. The problem I have with blogs is I can't have it on a crinkled paper with my mood in my handwriting with dried tears or little sketches in the margins. NONETHELESS I shall prevail!
So here I go.
Let me tell you what's going on in my life right now so you are up to speed. This might be difficult because when you haven't known where I've been it's hard to completely see where I am. But I am not who I used to be therefore you will never know who I was. Heehee. I like to sound like characters in Alice in Wonderland. Okay well obviously something right there about me, I get sidetracked easily...
So I am a married 26 year old and I live in a home with my husband, four cats and ten guitars. Yes that's right, we're crazy cat people. And we both play guitar! I have been playing guitar since I was 14 and I have one classical nylon string Ibanez acoustic/electric, another regular ibanez acoustic/electric, two crappy beater acoustics, a Nashville Hard Rock Epiphone and a Squire electric that I never play but my hubs got me when I was 18. Someday I hope to own one really nice guitar but I am happy with what I have right now. I mostly play folk and harder dark rock, christian and covers. I work at a doctors office and a coffee shop but my passion is music. I have never made a new years resolution before but I have sort of been thinking of starting this year with a resolution to really work on my music and get more involved with other musicians. Weather it be just jamming together or playing events.

I have a couple hobbies and one includes cooking. I really have only been cooking for about a year now and it is something that totally relaxes me. I have always been the type of person that will just clean the whole house because I have a lot on my mind and I've recently realized that cooking is the same way. There is something about order that puts my scattered mind at ease and there is a definite order or cooking and cleaning. You will be happy to know that I LOVE to take pictures of my food and share recipes! So on this blog I plan to share those joyful little treats with you all! ^_^ meow!
Another hobby of mine is poetry so be ready to hear some of that. Although it feels rather like I am a new poet because recently my entire style of writing has changed. My poetry used to be very dark and mysterious with a Kerouac inspired beat to it but when I became a Christian a year ago I have only wanted to write poems to my Lord. I still have the same type of sound underlying my poems but there is a total shift in mood. I'm not saying all of my poems are happy now, they are just...hopeful!
Couple other hobbies of mine: Video games -I am currently playing a lot of ps2 and DS games. And reading -lately mostly just C.S. Lewis books, and of course the Bible.

So here I sit in my cozy little home. January of 2011 and my Christmas tree still stands. My cats lie in four corners of the room yawning and scratching. Oh that reminds me, I must introduce you to my cats considering I will most likely be referring to them from time to time. The oldest is Skylar. She is my black and white tuxedo cat and will be 6 years old this August. She's the most friendly cat and very loyal and mellow. Next are my "Twins", Chloe & Ozma. They are my tiger cats and are from the same litter but Ozma was actually the runt so she is very low on the pecking order. Chloe is lighter in color and the happy go lucky klutzy goofball and a people-pleaser. Ozma keeps to herself and hides in dark corners. You could say she is the "evil twin" but she can be very sweet. Lastly my kitten Jetta, she is only a few months old and is a bombay cat, jet black fur and golden eyes. She is full of energy and loves to be the center of attention.
Okay well that's it. If you ever want to know how to keep me in conversation for hours just bring up cats. Well I am going to leave it at that for now and see what tomorrow brings!
God Bless!